Friday, May 08, 2009

Mother's Day Wish List

Since Mother's Day is Right around the corner... i'm letting all of you know what i'd REALLY like to have (and maybe, just maybe... my husband will read this!)

Top Ten

1) Not this exactly, but I found the CUTEST scrapbook the other day that I REALLY want for Kaylee. I wouldn't mind having this package of papers/stickers/etc. too though! We'll make the actual picture #2 of my top 10!

2) The package, in case you didn't read # 1

3) Some Dairy Goats. Did I ever mention i'm kinda weird?

4) Though i'd prefer to actually buy the whole store, well, the clothes in it anyways... i'd be happy just GOING to The Children's Place.

5) To eat at IHOP. I didn't say I was hard to please did I? I don't even have to be hungry to eat here!!!

6) Yum Yum YUM!!! Give me some crawfish and you'll make my Mother's Day one i'll NEVER forget!

7) A Rose Breasted Cockatoo

8) Laundry, dishes, sweeping, and dusting to magically do themselves.

9) I can dream, right?

10) A day of laying around the house with the husband and sweet Kaylee.. that will work for me!


  1. Ill keep an eye out for scrapbooking stuff.. You know crafty me, I'm ALWAYS at craft stores LOL :-) Happy 1st mothers day :) Love ya!!!

  2. He is at work tonight LOL! We switched it to The Girls Next Door!!!!

  3. I hope you get the goat!!!!!

  4. You're so funny...who else would want scrapbooking supplies, IHOP and a dairy goat?? Haha, I LOVE the Childrens Place! All my friends have kids, so that's where I get ALL their Christmas gifts! They have great sales too! :)

  5. HEY! thanks for the comment and follow! So you are my new bff because I don't know squat about my birds. I love your blog and I am right with ya on Childrens Place and IHOP! :D

  6. Thank you for the comment today!!! I am glad that I amuse you.

    Your lobster pic above makes me hungry!
