Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Vehicle Evolution

I got my first car at the mere age of 15, a couple of months before my 16th birthday. I was away on a FFA trip for the weekend, just to come home to a 2001 pontiac sunfire, completely paid for. I kept that sunfire for 5 years, only being in a shop once for a recalled part.

My parents started to worry about the reliabilty of the sunfire since I was going into the 2nd semester of my junior year of college, and had been driving the wheels off that car. After looking a few places and driving a few cars.. my heart was set on this.

2007 Ford Mustang

I was happy, well, BEYOND happy. A brand new car with nothin but time to waste in it. I loved that car so much.. while I was single. I met Jeremy + Jeremy had two boys + Boys couldn't fit comfortably in back seat = Mustang needed to go & Sad Krystal. So I traded the following August, leaving me in the mustang seventeen happy months. Well, eight happy months, one month without, and the following eight months worrying. Why worry? Because I totaled a deer in the mustang. Hit it, drug it under the car, and did $6,000 worth of damage.

I went to the lot where I bought the Stang', looking for something bigger. I left with this.

2005 Chevy Equinox

Ehh, not so fond of this one. In fact, I had to look through 981 pictures to find this one single picture of the equinox, on the car lot, the day I got it. I hit a deer in this one too, and though I wish it would've totaled the car and NOT the deer... there was only $4,000 worth of damage that time.

I've been looking to trade for a while. A long while. I knew what I wanted, just couldn't find exactly what I wanted. Last Thursday, while taking Kaylee to Little Rock for some tests... I found what I wanted.

2009 Ford F150

Please excuse my husband, whom is talking on the phone in all of the above pictures..
I let him drive because he had just bought me this..

Woo hoo!!
And what does Miss Kaylee think of her momma's new ride???

She won't stay awake in it long enough to let me know!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I've been a bit crafty lately. Please give me your thoughts!!

These are flower pens. What you need:
  • 5-6 different fake colored flowers (or all the same, whatever you like!)
  • Ball Point Pens (not any that click)
  • Floral Tape

1. Cut Flower off of the bundle (leave plenty of "stem" for a good hold around the pen to be wrapped)
2. Put the flower as close to the end of the end as possible
3. Wrap with Floral Tape.
4. Put in Flower Pot. (I got accent rocks to put in the pot, so the flowers will stay better once they go back in.

Picture Frame
Just had an idea and went with it! I LOVE the results.

Hair Bow Holders in Kaylee's initials..
I painted the dots and hot glued the ribbon on. Sorry you can't see the ribbon very well, there are 2 from the K and H, one from the G, and it's reverse colors of the letters (red with white dots).
When painting the letters, I started thinking it was a little Easter eggish..
I did red/white since her room will be in farm animals

When i'm not doing things like crafts... i'm doing things like this..
Lemon Ice Box Pie


This is NOT one of my crafts, but it is one of my mom's crafts. She made this for Kaylee

We love farm animals
Kaylee stretchin on her new blanket!

My sweet little girl!

Isn't she just a doll?! Not an ACTUAL doll of course, unlike some people are doing these days. My little Kaylee cakes is cute as can be, and also as REAL as she can be.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Yes, I know. I've been away, for quite some time. I also know how bad you all have missed me. (Hehee). I could make a list of reasons why I haven't been around, but i'm sure none of you really want to know (right?!). Oh well, here's my list anyways...

1) Kaylee has been sick, high temp, congestion.. blah
2) I started summer graduate classes, I should have known.. right?
3) Packing. Even though I only have 3 boxes packed, it's better than the 1 box I had packed this time last week.
4) Spending time with PJ and Emma. Even though life is hectic right now- my friend PJ is staying with us while her husband is working in Magnolia. They have a precious little girl and a sweet little boy. You can check out and follow her blog here..

5) Did I mention i'm taking a summer graduate class? And that I have 5 books for this one class?
6) Looking for a house in Crossett. We found one, just hope everything works out.
7) Farm Town. I can't lie, i'm addicted.

So, now that you all know what I have been doing... what's been going on with you??!